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The community foundation rules and Regulations

1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Officers and the authorized employees, to strictly enforce these rules.

2. Only Members of the Order, in good standing, will be admitted to the Lodge & Social Quarters. A qualified prospective member may be admitted twice in the company of his or her sponsor.

3. All nonmember guests being allowed into the Lodge shall be signed in by the Lodge member sponsoring the guest and shall wear a guest sticker or other form of identification approved by the Board of Officers while in attendance at the Lodge.

4. A qualified guest is as follows:

   A:  The family of a good standing Lodge member.

   B:   The Lady Friend Of A Good Standing Male Member And The Gentleman Friend Of A Good Standing Female Member. A Member May Sign One Guest Other Than Family Or Gentleman Or Lady Friend.

   C:   A prospective member of the Lodge accompanied by his or her sponsor (May visit only three times as specified in Article 

#3) 21 and up                                                                                          

D:  A member that has failed to pay his or her dues WILL NOT be permitted to enter the Lodge with a Lodge member. 

5. A qualified guest of a Lodge member MUST leave when the Member leaves.

6. Only Lodge members are permitted to make purchases. Members will, at all times, be responsible for the conduct of their guests. Guests are not permitted to make purchases. Gentlemanly and Ladylike (orderly) conduct is required of all persons in the Lodge at all times. No person(s) in a state of intoxication will be admitted.  

7. Every member is required to submit his/her membership card upon demand of the Door Greeter, Social Quarters personnel or other authorized persons. Before making a purchase each day, the member shall show his or her membership card.

8. The Social Quarters will be open only during the hours posted by the Lodge.


A. Within the meeting room, footwear must be worn. Swimsuits are not allowed. Proper attire is required at all times. 

B. Hats are permitted, however, please do not wear them during meetings.


Within the Social Quarters footwear must be worn, swimsuits are not allowed. No person who is in violation of the dress code as set forth by the Board of Officers will be permitted to remain in the Lodge. Any person(s) violating these rules will be required to leave the premises.

11. No food will be allowed to be brought into the Lodge when the kitchen is open. No drinks will be allowed to be brought onto Lodge property at any time.

12. Any member(s), other than Law Enforcement Officers in the line of duty, having firearms or other lethal weapons on or in his/her possession in the Lodge, parking lot, or other Lodge property, shall be suspended forthwith.

13. It is the objective of the Board of Officers to emphasize a high standard of good conduct in the Social Quarters. Loud, profane or obscene language will not be tolerated. The bartender is authorized to decline service to any member at his/her discretion.  If said action occurs, they will be asked to leave the Lodge. If they cause any additional problems they will be brought before the Executive Committee of the Board of Officers.

14. Minors are not permitted at the bar at any time 

15. Liquor and/or beer in open containers cannot leave the premises. No one can leave the Lodge with a drink unless they are going to the designated Smoking Area or an event approved by the Board of Officers.

16. Any member who cashes a check in the Lodge, and the check is returned for any reason, will have to pay a fine, plus bank fees per incident. After two incidents, checks will no longer be accepted from these members.

17. The Lodge room/Social Quarters will not be used for civic affair functions unless prior approval is obtained in 5 days inadvance.

18. It is unlawful for any member(s) to be present in the Social Quarters during the hours it is closed, without prior approval of the Board of Officers.

19. The Social Quarters may remain open during Lodge or Chapter Business Meetings. However, the Social Quarters may be closed anytime by a majority vote of the Board of Officers with prior notice to the membership. If the noise from the Social Quarters disrupts any meeting, The Board of Officers shall immediately close the Social Quarters until the conclusion of the meeting.

20. Only an employee on duty and authorized personnel are allowed behind the bar. 

21. Any member who attempts to prevent the orderly enforcement of these rules is subject to forfeiture of his or her Social Quarters privileges as may be determined by the Board of Officers Executive Committee.

22. No animals are permitted in the Lodge other than service animals.

23. The above rules are subject to change by the Board of Officers. Any complaints or suggestions affecting these rules must be presented in writing to the Board of Officers.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Parking in a handicapped space around the Lodge requires a Handicap license plate or a Handicap Placard to be displayed in plain view. Lately we have had several violations of the Handicap Law with neither one on the vehicles parked in our handicapped slots. A warning ticket will be placed on any future violator’s vehicles, the license plate number recorded and if a second violation occurs, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. Please, let’s be considerate of those with legitimate health issues. Thank you, Your Board of Officers

community foundation inc  POLICY:(For the protection of our tax free status and Constitutional Right of Privacy)
All active members of the Order shall be admitted to the social quarters of any lodge of the community foundation inc unless his or her privilege’s have been suspended in accordance with the laws of the order.
Only the following persons may be admitted as a “qualified guest” into the social quarters or home of any lodge of the Order.
A. Active lodge or chapter member’s immediate family. (Note – There are no limits on the number of times a qualified family members may be admitted as a guest unless he or she qualifies as a prospected member of the person signing them into the social quarters.)
B. The lady friend of an active lodge member or the gentleman friend of an active chapter member. ( Note – There are no limitations on the number of times a qualified ladyfriend or gentleman friend may be admitted as a guest.)
C. A prospective member is defined as any guest that is accompanied by a member who can sponsor them for membership in the Order. As permitted by the House Committee, a prospective member may be admitted subject to the following:
1. The prospective member is accompanied at all times by his or her sponsor.
2. The prospective member is properly signed in as a guest.
3. The prospective member shall not make purchases.
4. The prospective member shall leave when his or her sponsor leaves
5. The prospective member shall be limited to two (2) visits.
6. Note: The exception to items 1 thru 5 is as follows:
If a member, man or woman, has dues that have expired and
not in good standing with the lodge, then he or she may not
re-enter the lodge as a guest of either a man or woman for
a minimum of two (2) years.
ALL Guests must be signed in and wear a guest sticker where it is visible. Guests cannot make purchases of food & drink and must leave when the member leaves. Please encourage your guests to dispose of the stickers properly. This your Lodge. Treat as you would your home.

The communityfoundation inc Lodge SAVING SEATS POLICY:
Please remember this is everyone’s Moose Lodge. Seating is first come, first serve. No one may save a seat (unless the member is out for a short smoke or bathroom break) or a table. Please be courteous to all.
Also, when seated at the bar, if you want to hold your seat to go out for a smoke or bathroom break, you may leave the plastic holder to keep your seat for a maximum of 15 minutes. After which another member may take that seat at the bar.

                             SMOKING POLICY:  THAT ALL Community Foundation Lodges WILL HAVE A NO SMOKING POLICY.

Due to health regulations, NO pets are allowed inside the Lodge unless Florida state certified as a service animal.


Members often complain that they are not getting information, phone calls or the Lodge newsletter.
In many instances it is because you have moved, changed your phone number, email address or gotten rid of your house phone. Please notify the Administrator or Recorder of any change in your contact information.


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